NFC PPS Çamaşır Etiketi, 24 mm + 2 delikler, NTAG213, 180 bayt, siyah

PPS Çamaşır Etiketi tamamen su geçirmezdir ve ısıyı korur, basınç ve kimyasallar da. Ek olarak, Çamaşır Etiketinin iki deliği var, böylece normal bir düğme gibi kıyafetlere dikilebilir. Öyleyse, çamaşır etiketi, giysi sınıflandırması ve otellerdeki envanter süreçlerini kolaylaştırmak için mükemmel şekilde uygundur, hastaneler ve diğer kurumlar. Fakat, çamaşır etiketi evde kıyafetlerinize de dikilebilir, Böylece NFC işlevleri nerede olursanız olun kullanılabilir.

Etiket Boyutu:30mm


Sıklık:13.56 MHZ

Product description

The black Laundry Tag is made of PPS, so it is robust and absolutely waterproof. The Laundry Tag can be washed, as it sustains heat, pressure and even chemicals. More precisely, it withstands temperatures between -20 °C and 180 °C. It has a diameter of 24 mm and a height of 2.5 mm. In the middle there are two holes with a diameter of 2 mm and a distance of 5 mm. Öyleyse, the Laundry Tag can be sewed to clothes easily. This product functions well with all common NFC-enabled smartphones.

Features & functions

The Laundry Tag contains the NTAG 213, which has a memory capacity of 180 bayt (NDEF: 137 bayt) and can be encoded up to 100,000 times. This chip comes along with the UID ASCII Mirror Feature, which allows to attach the UID of the chip to the NDEF message. Ek olarak, the chip contains a NFC counter, which counts the times a NFC tag is read. Both functions are deactivated by default. Further information about this chip and other NFC chip types you can find here. We also provide you with a download of the technical documentation by NXP.


These are a few examples for possible applications of the Laundry Tag.
– Make an inventory of clothes in hotels, hospitals, vesaire.
– Enhance garment classification
A detailed overview about all possible NFC applications you can find here.

Similar Articles

We offer some variants of Laundry Tags. They are available either with the NTAG 213 or the Ultralight EV1 chipset. Moreover, Laundry Tags differ in size and number of holes (none, one or two).


Here you can find a selection of apps, which are suitable for encoding this product.

Chip: NXP NTAG 213 (NTAG213) 180 Byte (NDEF: 137 Byte)
Dimensions: 30mm
Color: Custom
Material: PPS
Operating range: 1 20 mm (depending on the hardware)
Type: Disc
Chip functions: 7 Byte UID, 24-bit Counter, 32-bit Passwort, ASCII Mirror, Datentransfer 106 kbit/s, ECC based originality signature, Schreibschutz, true anticollision, UID ASCII Mirror, wiederbeschreibar
Chip standards: 13.56 MHz, ISO 14 443-2 A, ISO 14 443-3 A, NFC-Forum Typ 2
Characteristics: Flexible, compatible with all NFC-enabled smartphones, robust waterproof
Shape: Round

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