
Luxury item Manufacturer and distributor are still facing a seriously problem in Brand protection and authentication. Lots of Fake items on the markets which made customer’s complaints and lost in un-satisfactory.

Protect your products and brand identity with RFID authentication and NFC anti-counterfeiting solutions.

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    Protect it With NFC. Your Brand is Your Assets.

Each item in your inventory is not just an item; it is a bridge between authenticity and end users. NFC’s strength count on its ability to provide a unique ID code for every product. Your customer can interact with your items and check its authentication.

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    Digitally Authenticate From Manufacturer to Purchase

NFCWORK NFC Tag and technologies extend of the Internet of Things (IoT) directly to the hands of your end users. A tamper-proof, near field communication (NFC) tag directly embedded into luxury items, combined with NFCWORK’s authentication NFC TAG, provide a unique and secure solution. And it’s fully compatible with NFC-enabled mobile phones, tablets and other NFC enabled devices. Your Brand can be protected easily and smoothly.

With a touch tap of NFC enabled smartphone, the end users receive instant validation of the product’s authenticity from the manufacturer or lead to the Distributor’s website verification. NFCWORK’s NFC Tag can facilitate transactions simply by tapping an embedded NFC tag with an NFC-enabled smartphone to securely exchanged data. A wireless authentication experience using NFC Luxury item’s protection solution that fuels more powerful and dynamic your brand protected applications.

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