24 Επεξήγηση ώρας

24 Επεξήγηση ώρας

24 Επεξήγηση ώρας

What secrets are hidden in NFC tags in luxury packaging?

When a consumer acquires a luxury item and uses an NFC phone to approach the NFC tag on the package, the product verification is completed instantly. Complex verification processes, such as RFID readers, are now replaced by simple Ετικέτες NFC and easy mobile phone operation, making it easy to confirm product authenticity and give consumers peace of mind.

Not only that, but Ετικέτες NFC are also a great vehicle for conveying a brand story. They have built-in content such as the brand’s history and culture, design concept, etc., which consumers can read through NFC mobile phones, as if opening an in-depth dialogue with the brand, enhancing interactivity, and making the brand’s image in the hearts of consumers more three-dimensional and full.

In the after-sales stage, when you scan the tag with your NFC phone again, you can go directly to the after-sales service interface with one click, making it easy to make an appointment for maintenance and inquire about maintenance suggestions, realising the seamless connection from unpacking to after-sales.

NFC tags are cleverly integrated into luxury packaging, improving the consumer experience in all aspects and making luxury brands more competitive.

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