تنقسم علامة RFID لأنبوب الزجاج إلى نوعين: علامة RFID أنبوب زجاجي منخفض التردد وعلامة RFID أنبوب زجاجي عالي التردد.
نطاق تردد العمل لعلامة التردد المنخفض هو 100 كيلو هرتز ~ 150 كيلو هرتز, تردد التشغيل المشترك هو 125 كيلو هرتز, 134.2 كيلو هرتز, the low frequency Glass Tube RFID tag is cheaper than the high frequency Glass Tube RFID tag, saves energy, and penetrates the scrap metal objects. The working frequency is not restricted by the radio frequency control. Their reading distance can be up to 0.5 أمتار, which is much farther than the high-frequency Glass Tube RFID tag with a reading distance of up to 2cm. It is most suitable for various types of industrial production, and the application range is generally animal identification, container identification, tool identification, electronic locking anti-theft (car key with built-in transponder), إلخ. EM4305/Hitag-S256/SIC7999 are all low frequency tags.
The working frequency Range of the high-frequency tag is 10MHz~15MHz, generally 13.56 ميغاهيرتز, the induction distance is generally less than 2cm.
High frequency: 13.56MHz is divided into 14443A/B agreement and 15693 agreement two kinds of agreement chips. 14443A/B is the principle of electromagnetic induction near-field coupling. The distance is close, but there are many encryption protocols, mainly used for identity recognition occasions. ال 15693 protocol is relatively far away, but it is more susceptible to interference from metals.
Compared with low-frequency tags, high-frequency Glass Tube RFID tag are medium and short-range identification, with faster read and write speeds, larger storage capacity and more reliable encryption functions. They are commonly used in vehicle door locks and various industrial applications, such as assembly lines Production, factory automation, إدارة الأصول, storage management, إلخ.