Jaareind-IT-bate-inventarisse is dikwels moeilik en veroorsaak hoofbrekens vir ouditeure. Omdat die IT-toerusting wat geoudit moet word, 'n baie wye reeks dek. Bedieners, lessenaar drukkers, kopieerders, projektors, netwerktoerusting, skootrekenaars, tablette. En selfs slimfone moet almal in voorraad wees. Regerings en kommersiële organisasies gaan deur dieselfde vervelige. Tog noodsaaklik, proses wanneer jaareindoudits probeer voltooi word. Soms moet batebestuurders onder hul lessenaars inkruip, scouring dark corners of closets for misplaced IT equipment. These searches take up not only the asset manager’s time. But also the device users own time. This can negatively impact the productivity of the entire organization.
1. RFID inventory scanning is faster and more accurate
With our RFID asset tracking solution, one of our customers, Brookhaven National Laboratory. They tracks their IT assets in addition to their lab equipment. Ultimately enabled them to reduce audit time from 3 months to 3 weeks! Ouditering met RFID neem minder as een tiende van die tyd wat nodig is vir ouditering met strepieskodelesers.
2. RFID IT-batevoorraad is vinnig en doeltreffend, en die frekwensie het toegeneem
Met die uitsondering van mobiele toestelle soos skootrekenaars en tablette, ons is geneig om min verandering vir die meeste IT-toerusting te verwag. Egter, dit is dikwels nie die geval nie. Toestelle kan verwyder word omdat hulle nie behoorlik funksioneer nie. Dit was gou weggesteek in 'n kas vol rommel – onsigbaar en onbekend. En wanneer werknemers aftree of departemente verskuif, their equipment may be moved for other uses. All of this happens without the asset manager’s knowledge. Here are a few reasons why year-end audits are often such a protracted nightmare.
Because RFID scanning is so efficient. Asset managers are able to take stock snapshots on a regular basis throughout the year. Not just one inventory survey at the end of the year. This allows them to detect lost items earlier. With less time elapsed, owners of lost devices can often still remember where things are. This allows for quick adjustments to asset inventory. And asset locations can also be updated during periodic scans. Dus, when the year-end audit arrives, there are few surprises about lost equipment.
3. one-click check inventory audit
Reconciliations can also take too long after the audit is complete. Finding the difference between the lists of assets you scanned. And the list given to you by the finance people (financial list) is tricky. RFIDHY’s IT asset tracking solution enables one-click reconciliation. En pas outomaties die lys van geskandeerde en gevind bates in die finansiële lys aan. Die stelsel kan ook 'n lys van bates verskaf wat nog in die finansiële lys gevind moet word. En 'n lys van bates wat gevind is, maar nie in die finansiële lys nie.
Sleutelwoord: RFIDHY Pakhuise NFC merker RFID-oplossings