Large Brazilian shoe factory Via Marte Cal?ados who use RFID product tracking. Has expanded its use of the GS1 global standard to embed tags with RFID technology into its products. Adapting the shoe factory’s e-commerce processes to Correios’ new logistics platform. Correios is the international RFID laboratory of the Universal Postal Union (UPU).
Optimize Efficiency
Via Marte piloted RFID product tracking on shoes at its headquarters in Nova Harz, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The results showed that RFID can identifiseer 'n groot aantal produkte in minder tyd as strepieskodes en verminder afleweringsfoute.
Ivair Kautzmann, die maatskappy se direkteur van inligtingstegnologie. Hy het gesê: “Dit was baie maklik om RFID-etikette by ons produkte te voeg en om RFID-produkopsporingstegnologie te gebruik. Omdat ons GS1 se SGTIN-standaard weer aangeneem het 2016. Sonder die GS1-standaard, die maatskappy is dit moeilik om voordeel te trek uit die toepassing van tegnologie. Voor die hek van ons fabriek, daar is 'n streng stel versendingsprosesse. Insluitend plukverifikasie en monteringsverifikasie van die versendingslys wat aan die logistieke operateur afgelewer is. Maar voordat die goedere hul bestemming bereik. Ons gaan nog probleme hê, veral met logistieke operateurs’ volumes.”
Sleutel tot sukses
Via Marte vervaardig 5 miljoen pare skoene jaarliks en bied sy kliënte voortreflike logistieke doeltreffendheid. Insluitend volle naspeurbaarheid en interoperabiliteit betrokke by alle stadiums van logistiek. The company decided to test GS1 standard RFID as an additional verification of the products involved in the company’s e-commerce business. So that the goods arrive at their destination without errors. Daarom, the pilot project in cooperation with Correios promotes the implementation of RFID technology. ?In the distribution of goods for all logistics operators.
“Global identification standards are the key to success because data can flow without error,” Katzman noted.
In partnership with Correios, GS1 offers two standards. SGTIN (Global Trade Produk Nommer) Global Trade Produk Nommer (Global Trade Produk Nommer). Global Trade Produk Nommer. Global Trade Produk Nommer.
Hoe dit werk
“Global Trade Produk Nommer, Global Trade Produk Nommer. Global Trade Produk Nommer 100% Global Trade Produk Nommer. Global Trade Produk Nommer, Global Trade Produk Nommer. Global Trade Produk Nommer 50 items met Items met opsporingskodes wat in die PLP in kennis gestel is (Pakkielaagprotokol). Hierdie 50 items moet die aangewese vervoervoertuig binnegaan, niks meer nie, nie minder."
Ricardo Verza Amaral Melo, GS1 Brasilië uitvoerende hoof. het gesê dat RFID se akkurate inligtingoordrag nie net buigsaamheid in vervoer en end-tot-end kostebesparings verseker nie. maar verseker ook die veiligheid van die eindverbruiker. Die kwaliteit van die data help ook bestuur om verliese te vermy en produktiwiteit te verhoog.
Verminder koste
Benewens die bogenoemde proses voordele, Via Marte also uses RFID to reduce the cost of shipping orders. Which provides an economic incentive for those who adopt RFID, and at a favorable price. “We did the calculations, and from a cost-reduction perspective, the opportunity became interesting. And the savings from using Correios’ new service was more than enough.? To offset the cost of RFID tags for Via Marte,” Couzman said.
The entire pilot was implemented without any complications. As the company has a history of using serialized identification. “We have been affiliated with GS1 Brazil since 1997 and we are very familiar with these GS1 standards. GS1 also has a very simple and explanatory technical manual.? That makes RFID implementation much easier for first-time implementations,” Cotzman said. People using RFID. Daarbenewens, Correios has prepared a specific website on the RFID ordering system.”